a Roi Escudero performance-art-cinema™ (Theatre-Media) Atelier

I am a conceptual performance artist that creates immersive dramatic spectacles, using the mystique of the fantastic and vérité. My postmodern theatre work is the result of mixed cultural experiences, with an analytic perspective behind nature, magical thinking, supernatural and universal existential thoughts. I incorporate into my work "art as a vehicle" to exaggerate everyday reality and blend together the real with fantasy, magic, myth and natural phenomena. I combine fantastic elements through a narrative of virtual images mingled with live action in the real space where the action is happening. My intention is to create equilibrium between the everyday real atmosphere and the magical one: imaginary characters doing mundane things and mundane characters doing unreal and fantastic things. To tell stories in the scenic space, I use my transdisciplinary art method. It contains written work, design, performing and visual arts. I call my eclectic work, performance-art-cinema™ (Theatre-Media). I design the whole production and hand make the visual elements: costumes, masks and life-sized puppets characters as objects of art. I utilize recycled materials and found objects. As part of the visual concept, I create scenic virtual sets and multimedia video, shot with cinéma vérité techniques and documentary and film footage. My mise-en-scène connects the virtual narrative of moving images with a preconceived plot, and the spontaneous performance-art action. I direct the ensemble to blend in with the environment as a potent ingredient. Time and space become one, and the imaginary fourth wall is removed to engage the audience as a “real” witness of an "immersive dramatic spectacle". –Roi Escudero
To watch PERFORMANCE-ART- CINÉMA™ (Theatre-Media)
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© 2024 ALUCINANTE a ROI ESCUDERO performance-art-cinéma tale from the THE ARTAUD series

Roi "Bubi" Escudero is a director of the third millennium.” -Mario Fratti - Award-Winning Playwright/Critic

A performance-art cinema installation for the stage Scene: The Apocalyptic Party-Omni Terra-The Red Zone

“It's very unusual for a show's title to serve perfectly as a capsule summary of my review, but in this case it seems exactly appropriate.
This new multimedia show from the indomitable, surprising, and supremely talented "Bubi" Escudero is a trip and a half, in more ways than one. Bubi's imagination, vision, and humanity inform every moment of what @ trip! And yet here, more than in previous productions created by this actor-director-playwright-designer, the mark of many collaborators is enormously in evidence. It's an intriguing work of theatre.[…]
what @ trip! exemplifies what I love about the kind of theatre that Bubi creates: it's imaginative, it's gutsy, and it's utterly true to itself. There are no rules in a show like this, save to be ready to embrace whatever comes before you. Such courageous art is not so common these days, and has much to teach its audience and, I venture to guess, its performers as well.” –Martin Denton -nytheater.com
“Escudero makes us reflect. Original!” (what@trip!) -Mario Fratti - Playwright/Critic -American Oggi
“Roi “Bubi” Escudero’s artistic point of view and multimedia work is exceptional!” (what@trip!) –Fuera de Serie- Channel 56
“It is a potential masterpiece.” (what@trip!) - Jill Benezra - Artist and Art Advocate
After Charlie
“Roi Escudero—"Bubi" to anyone she's ever met and anyone who's ever seen one of her extraordinary shows—doesn't believe in walls. She's against barriers of any kind: artistic ones that would attempt to put any of the multitudinous disciplines that make up her work—music, dance, poetry, mime, mask, puppetry, fashion, architecture, video, and others…” “There's sure to be nothing quite like After Charlie elsewhere in the New York Musical Theatre Festival. Yet, for all its fantastical, convention- and genre-defying ways, this show is one of the most real and most grounded works of theatre I've seen in quite some time.” (After Charlie)

The BUBULINOS © by Roi Escudero

Credits: Picture 1) © The 11th Dimension by Roi Escudero - A post-modern performance-art cinéma ™ vérité tale. told in the 11th Dimension.
© Painting: The Robot's Astrolabe by James Ewan - Collection Marcia Simon Weisman -
© Video by Valentin Ewan - In the Video, Jack Placidi as Dr. Destino - In the picture Cesar Valderrama as B2 and Roi Escudero as Bubulina.
Picture 2) In the picture: Roi Escudero as Mrs. Mind and Cesar Valderrama as B2
© The Bubulinos - Collage by ROI ESCUDERO © VIDEO - ALUCINANTE a ROI ESCUDERO Performance-art virtual Installation - Created Written-Designed-Edited and Directed by ROI ESCUDERO © Music Performed by the TÍPICA MESSIEZ TANGO ORCHESTA - Music Directed by EMILIANO MESSIEZ Song – LOCA by MANUEL JOVÉS

© 2024 by Roi Escudero. All content, images and information on ETdC Projects'Lab's website, original works of art, photograph, text, graphic, logos, videos and original music are copyright protected and may not be downloaded or reproduced, duplicated, copies, modified, or adapted, in any way without written permission from the artist Roi Escudero. ETdC Projects' Lab's website or blog may contain our copyright marks or trademarks as well as those of our affiliates and other artists, collaborators or companies, in the form of original work of art, videos, pictures, graphics, text, logos and original lyrics and music. The content, as fund on our website, is protected by United States and foreign copyright law, Downloading, reproducing, copying, redistributing, using or publishing any such content without permission, is strictly prohibited. NOTE All rights reserved Worldwide. No part of this “work of art” may be reproduced, published, distributed, copied or stored for public or private use or may be modified or changed or exploited in any way, or translated/used for derivative works in any information retrieval system, including Artificial Intelligence AI *NOT FOR TRAINING transmitted in any form by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process, including being electronically or digitally displayed, on the Internet or Worldwide Web, or over any network, or local area network, without written permission of the artist Roi “Bubi” Escudero –These rights to use, publish and copyright are understood to be worldwide and are granted to the artist: Roi “Bubi” Escudero.

© 2024 Website design by Roi Escudero